CONCRETE AND RETAIL Inspirations 26. June 2019 Ross started using unconventional but very impressive material that attracts the customer. This special type of concrete is impressive, aesthetic, pleasant to the touch and at the same time practical, strong and durable. From this material, it is possible to make various custom-made items so that they fit exactly into the interior of your establishment. By using the material, you get an original and unmistakable product to support sales. Properties of concrete: Any customized shape The main advantage of noble concrete is the possibility to shape it according to your ideas and needs of the interior. The specially developed DecorLit concrete mix is poured into custom-made molds. They can have any and at the same time exact shape. Concrete can also be combined with other materials such as wood or glass. High resistance Concrete stands out for its mechanical properties, surface hardness and resistance to high temperatures. Unlike marble, stone or granite, concrete decorations will not break or shatter. They have steel reinforcement inside. Any cracks in them can be easily sealed, puttyed, sanded, the surface polished and restored to its original state. Special treatment and long service life The concrete surface is treated with the so-called hybrid impregnation, in which the impregnation penetrates deep into the material, but at the same time a micro-thin protective layer remains on its surface. It helps the surface retain its color and structure for a long time. Thanks to this treatment, the concrete is also non-absorbent and resistant to weak acids. Both interior and exterior The concrete mixture is prepared for two types of use. While DecorLit I. is suitable for interior use (for displays, racks or bar counters), DecorLit E. can be used, for example, for outdoor pylons. Thanks to the special treatment mixture, the concrete does not change its properties even in adverse external conditions. Color and material variety The concrete mixture is prepared in four basic colors. At the same time, it can be texturally pigmented and combined with other materials (metals, glass, carbon fiber) or various objects can be poured into it (minerals, fossils, etc.). Types of concrete: Poured CONCRETE With the given technology, the concrete has a thickness of 40 millimeters and more, and iron or composite reinforcement is part of it. It ensures good tensile strength, which concrete itself has low. When casting tiles with a thickness of 20 mm, it is necessary to use dispersed reinforcement. Advantages: natural appearance, high strength, authentic castings. SPRAYED CONCRETE Sprayed concretes are special mixtures of concrete, adapted to hold even on a vertical surface. With the help of special equipment, they are applied to forms of even complex shapes. This technology allows the width of products up to 20 millimeters with the use of scattered reinforcement. Most often, glass or polypropylene fibers are used as scattered reinforcement.Advantages: natural appearance, 3D shells, thickness 20mm. Lightweight concrete The dominant feature of lightweight concrete is primarily its weight. The volumetric weight below 1800 kg/m3 ensures the lightness of the concrete, which means that it is significantly lighter than cast concrete. Its composition is similar to that of other types of concrete except for the aggregate, which is replaced by light expanded clay. (artificial aggregate) Advantages: natural look, lighter products. UHPC (Ultra high performance concrete) UHPC is a high-quality concrete developed for the most demanding cases. It is a mixture in which the proportions of ingredients and admixtures are carefully monitored, which in the case of a small mistake can result in the disintegration of the product. These concretes reach a compressive strength far above 150 MPa. Products of the highest quality can be made from this material.Advantages: high strength, even 4 mm thick, high-end technology. Travertine trowel application is another type of application used in the production of concrete surface products. The plaster is made from natural ground limestone – travertine. The trowel can be applied to various types of materials. The travertine mass is applied to the surface treated with a penetrating coating. Subsequently, the concrete pattern is created – the drawing is created by hand, which ensures that each product is original. After applying one more layer, the travertine screed is also suitable for exterior use. There are countless possibilities and we can prepare everything so that the result corresponds to your ideas. Aktuality 27. January 2025 Dlhopisy Spoločnosť Ros s.r.o. rozhodla dňa 16.1.2025 o vyplatení časti (50%) emisie dlhopisov ROSS Rajec 03 ku dňu 20.2.2025. Aktuality 9. September 2024 RossBike Strážnice Spoločne strávený čas povzbudil náš kolektív, lebo len spolu toho dokážeme viac. Aktuality 27. August 2024 Novootvorená a komplexne zariadená predajňa Opäť originálna realizácia siete predajní Be Lenka. Tak ako samotná značka inklinuje k prírode a vracia s a k naturálnosti, tak aj spoločnosť Ross jej v tomto smere zabezpečila vybavenie a realizáciu predajní tejto povahy. Aktuality 10. July 2024 Veľkoplošný baner a inštalácia vo výške Inspirations 10. June 2024 Náučné tabule Veľkosť tabule je 700x500 mm a sú umiestnené do výšky 50 cm. Tabule sú nainštalované na flexibilnom systéme, čo umožňuje meniť ich stanovisko a je to veľmi praktické pre ich následné využívanie. Aktuality 23. April 2024 Výroba loga a 3D písma v ROSS, montáž realizovaná v Nemecku Svetelné 3D logo a svetelné 3D písmo sa vyznačuje svojou nastaviteľnosťou svietivosti, ktorá neruší okolie vďaka možnosť nastavenia LED osvetlenia od 20% do 100% svietivosti. Všetko toto nastavenie je možné na diaľkovom ovládači. Práve tento prvok dodáva komfort a pohodlie zákazníka pri nastavení svietivosti. Pri výrobe boli použité vysokokvalitné materiály a ich spracovanie bolo realizované v našej výrobe. Výrobné technológie, ktoré boli použité pri výrobe tohto loga sa vyznačujú svojou presnosťou a precíznosťou. Aktuality 11. April 2024 3D písmo Označili sme spoločnosť Good Request. Logo je takmer 7 m dlhé a inštalovali sme ho vo výške ôsmeho poschodia. Práve správne zvolené materiály zaručuje dlhú životnosť našich produktov. V tomto prípade sme použili masívnu kovovú konštrukciu, ktorá je navrhnutá tak, aby zvládla aj veľkú záťaž a bola dostatočne odolná voči poveternostným podmienkam. Všetku výrobu sme realizovali takzvane pod jednou strechou, vďaka komplexnosti služieb a strojového parku v našej výrobe. Aktuality 27. March 2024 Nadrozmerná reklama – svetelné kazetové písmená Pre InoBat sme zrealizovali v spoločnosti ROSS atypické označenie, inštalované v parkovej časti pri vstupe. Rozmer Loga je 2,80m a 11,20m. Je svetelné, čo zaručuje neprehliadnutie v priestore pri vstupe do spoločnosti. Správne zvolené materiály a dizajnovo navrhnuté označenie zaručuje životnosť a celkový vzhľad našich výrobkov. Práve pre InoBat sme realizovali návrh označenia, celkové riešenie, ako je farebnosť, svietivosť a rozmer. Aktuality 28. February 2024 ROSS ZÍSKAL OCENENIE SLOVAK BUSINESS SUPERBRANDS AWARD 2020 Komisia expertov Brand Council, programu Slovak Superbrands udelila našej spoločnosti cenu Slovak Business Superbrands Award 2020. Zaradili sme sa tak do skupiny elitných značiek, ktoré predstavujú vzor úspešného rozvoja a neustáleho zvyšovania hodnoty značky. Ocenenie Superbrands je potvrdením našej kvality a povzbudením pre zákazníkov pri ich každodenných rozhodnutiach. Aktuality 22. February 2024 DIGITAL SIGNAGE Informačný kiosk s dotykovým displejom je vyrobený z oceľového plášťa, kde je aplikovaná červená farba prostredníctvom práškového lakovania. Ďalej disponuje s dotykový LCD monitorom, lepenou fóliou s dizajnom značky. Samostatnou kategóriou je obslužný systém s vlastným softwarom. Sign up for the newsletter Keep track of various news from the world of light advertising I agree to the processing of personal data Ikona pre zatvorenie náhľadu galérie Ikona pre predchádzajúci obrázok Ikona pre nasledujúci obrázok