Travel with us around shopping centers

Travel with us to department stores throughout Slovakia. During our many years of activity on the Slovak market, we have branded or rebranded many shopping centers. Surely some of them are also located in your city.

The current projects we are working on are mainly the rebrand STOP SHOP, M-MARKET and last month we completed the OC ATRIUM sign in Bratislava.


Ross is involved in another interesting project. The Austrian company STOP SHOP, a brand of retail parks in Central and Eastern Europe, has chosen us as the exclusive supplier of the new branch signage in Slovakia.


The first wave of rebranding of shopping centers took place in September, and the second wave of rebranding is currently starting. The exceptionality of the implementation is not only in the dimensions of the illuminated and non-illuminated signs themselves, but also in the logistics of transport and the complex provision of rebranding of operations in a short time, which can only be achieved with full-fledged technological equipment and flexible planning of production capacities. Even the complexity of this project did not surprise us. When rebranding, we work with oversized advertisements that we place on pylons in front of shopping centers.


Assemblies and installations of illuminated and non-illuminated advertisements are carried out at heights, therefore, in addition to the increased difficulty of assembly, various lifting techniques are also necessary, which are always optimized for the conditions of the given operation. Customer-oriented shopping centers offer various services such as green playgrounds, children’s centers, restaurants and many others. That’s why we also produce signs with pictograms for STOP SHOP that are easily visible and understandable.


Ross also marked the Atrium shopping center in Bratislava with exterior and interior advertising. We custom-made illuminated signs on the roof, pylons for the exteriors, and we also marked the interior of the shopping center.


The ten-meter pylon attracts the customer with a modern design that looks timeless. The strength of the pylon is ensured by a steel structure with a kamaxite surface treatment, and the sheathing is made of dibond. The logo is illuminated by highly luminous LEDs. Large pylons like this one are mainly intended for brand presentation. Smaller pylons are more informative.


An almost two-meter pylon in the parking lot of the shopping center provides customers with all the necessary information. Thanks to the LED backlight, the information is easily visible.


Shopping centers in Žilina

We also participated in advertising at shopping centers in our area, for example OC Mirage, Aupark or OC MAX.