Semiotics = a tool for increasing sales efficiency Interesting facts 26. November 2018 Is your communication with the client not working as well as you would imagine? How to achieve effective communication at the point of sale? Perhaps you could look at it through the field of science called semiotics. Semiotics analyzes codes in communication, focusing on mapping the meaning of signs in specific cultural contexts.It mainly deals with mission, images, colors, symbols, sounds and cultural relevance in marketing communication. Semiotic approaches bring an original opportunity to optimize in-store communication, it will help you use the right contents in POP communication, which will interest customers and thus increase the chance of sales. At the Samoška congress, which took place this year in the Czech Republic, experts Andrea Vozíková, member of the executive board of POPAI CE and sonsumer insights shopper, and Martin Boček, an independent expert on marketing market research, semiotics and in-store issues, commented on the Semiotic guide. “We know from practice that more than half of campaigns are not clear to consumers,” says Martin Boček. The messages you tell customers, not just words, must be consistent and resonate with the consumer. “Don’t forget that you have approximately two to three seconds to attract the customer’s attention at the point of sale,” reminds Andrea Vozníková. Therefore, it is not always reasonable to transport, for example, a global claim, because it may not always fit locally. On the one hand, in-store communication must be easy to decode, understandable and must be based on something that the customer knows well. “On the other hand, it must be unexpected and surprising in order to attract attention,” explains Martin Boček. Creating a good campaign is therefore an alchemy that needs to be thought through. The message is relevant if it uses familiar means of expression in a strategic place in the given environment and thus enables the customer to quickly combine their own cultural knowledge with a specific situation. At the same time, it is important to use a unifying element across all channels for campaigns. A semiotics manual project was created for this complex scientific discipline, which was jointly created by the association POPAI CE and PhDr. Martina Olbertová, who is an international expert in commercial semiotics, a strategic consultant in the field of brand building, research and marketing communication planning. 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